The American Red Goat

Breed Standards


The American Red Goat is an animal with symmetry, with a strong, vigorous appearance and fine quality. The doe must be feminine and the buck masculine. The size and set of ears, horns and facial profile, weight, height, degree of cashmere in the winter are varying traits. Important traits to the breed are adaptability, effective foragers, fertility, maternals, longevity and tolerance of difficult conditions, although these are more difficult to measure and describe.

The intent of the American Red goat is to make a positive contribution to livestock producers and the meat industry.


  • A strong head, wide nostrils, and strong well-formed mouth with well-fitted jaws.

Characteristic cull defects: undershot jaw / parrot mouth or any defect that decreases productivity.

Neck and Forequarters:
  • A Neck of moderate length in proportion to the length of the body, full and well-fleshed and well-joined to the forequarter, is essential. The breastbone should be broad with a deep, broad brisket.
  • The shoulder should be fleshy, in proportion to the body and be well-fitted to the withers. The withers should be broad and as well fitted as possible (not sharp).
  • The front legs should be of medium length and in proportion to the depth of the body. The legs should be strong and well-placed, with strong pastern joints and well-formed hoofs.
  • The ideal is a long, deep broad barrel. The ribs must be well sprung and fleshed, and the loins as well filled as possible.
  • The goat should have a broad, fairly straight back and must not be pinched behind the shoulders.

Characteristic cull defects: Back too concave, too slab-sided, too cylindrical or pinched behind the shoulder.

  • The American Red Goat should have a broad and long rump, not sloping too much, well fleshed buttocks which are not too flat, and have fully fleshed thighs.
  • The tail must be straight where it grows out of the dock and then may swing to either side.

Characteristic cull defects: A rump that hangs too much or is too short. A long shank or flat buttocks.

  • Emphasis should be placed on the legs which should be strong (of good texture) and well-placed. Too fleshy legs are undesirable. Strong legs imply hardiness and a strong Constitution, which are essential characteristics of the American Red Goat.

Characteristic cull defects: Knock knees, bandy legs, cow hocked or post legged or sickle hocked. Legs too thin or too fleshy. Weak pasterns and hoofs pointing outwards or inwards.


  • 1 or 2 well-formed, functional teats on each side. If there are two well-formed teats on a side the teats must be well separated. Animals with non-functional teats and spurs are considered flock. Fish teats are considered a cull defect. Teats that are not immediately nursable by a newborn are considered a cull defect
  • Two reasonably large, well-formed, healthy, and equal sized testes in one scrotum. The scrotum must be at least 25cm in circumference.

Characteristic cull defects: More than two total teats on one side are considered a cull. Teats the size of non-functional teats for females and spurs are considered flock. Fish teats are considered a cull defect.


Ideal coloring is a brown/red goat with color shadings that ranges between light brown/red to dark brown/red.


All Red (R):
  • Solid red in color. No other colors allowed. Meets the minimum American Red standards but these animals should be the best of the best.
Fifty+ (F):
  • A Fifty+ goat is an American Red with at least 50% of the color being red.
Foundation (C):
  • Any animal that will be used to bring in desirable traits to your American Red program. Color is not necessarily a defining factor for foundation animals.


The American Red goat uses the X-Factor designed by Dwight Elmore. The X-Factor is a filial classification system that gives a defined generational path for both bucks and does which can eventually lead to purebred status. For does it is X4 and X5 for bucks which become purebreds. The X-Factor is built into the AMGR pedigree registration number to quickly identify the generation of the animal. A chart can be found here.


American Meat Goat Registry has agreed to require DNA testing for the American Red meat goat as the breed is still being developed. This is to help ensure the origins of the breed are well documented and that future generations will have undisputed traceable lineage. Microchipping or tattooing is also mandatory.

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